
Sunday, July 22, 2012

#4 "Many Have Tried, Only Few Survived"

Official logo of Ozamiz Radio Broadcasting Teams
    "Promoting Digital Literacy Through Campus Journalism", the theme of last year's Press Conferences. This article is about the ups and downs that I've, or shall I say we've because I'm in a group category, been through until we reached the summit, the Nationals Schools Press Conference.

     Press Conferences are Journalism/Literary contests. It is composed of many events, individual and group contests. Every event has English and Filipino Category. I'm in the event Radio Broadcasting, which is a group contest, Filipino category. I know that when your hear "Radio Broadcasting", it's all about speaking on the microphone. But my work in our team is all about the background music and effects in the broadcasting. I always wanted to try speaking on the microphone but my coach always remind me, "Pau, you're not meant for a microphone, you're meant for a mouse". Since he's our coach, he knows what's the best for the team. From then on, I decided to fully concentrate on my task being the Technical Applicator of the team.

Taken after landing to Mactan Airport, Cebu
     The Schools Press Conference(SPC) is a Press Conference within the school. It is the "strainer" of the school to determine who will be bringing the name of the school to participate in the Divisions Schools Press Conference. Competitors from different year levels and sections gathered in the school gym to formally start the contest. Before the Radio Broadcasting proper, we decided to practice on last time then pray. When it's our time to present, I was really shaking because of nervousness. After we presented, I had this delighted feeling because we didn't commit a single error. And because of that, we turned out to be the 1st placer in Radio Broadcasting Filipino Category. But the sad part was, only two of us, including me, were chosen to participate in the Divisions Schools Press Conference. :(

During the DSPC'11 with my co-broadcasters awarding ceremony
     The Divisions Schools Press Conference(DSPC) is an inter-school contest. The winners of this Press Conference will be the ones to take part in the Regional Schools Press Conference. The DSPC was held in our school since our school is considered Mother School in the Division of Ozamiz City. We consider the participants of La Salle University - Integrated School as our greatest rival in the division.And as we heard their school being the 2nd place in the awarding ceremony, most of us made the "leap of joy" because we already know that we would end up being first! :)

During Awarding Ceremony of RSPC'11
     It was a great opportunity that I joined the Regional Schools Press Conference(RSPC) held at Valencia City, Bukidnon. The team thought that the RSPC would not be as easy as the previous RSPCs so we decided to practice every single time before the contest proper. The Division of Cagayan de Oro was known to have the best broadcasters in both English and Filipino since they were the ones qualified in the Nationals Schools Press Conference in the previous years. In the awarding ceremony, our hopes rose when the hosts proclaimed the division of CDeO as the 2nd place. At the end, we were proclaimed as champions! :D

Radio Bradcasting Team (Filipino) of Ozamiz City
     My greatest achievement as of now, I actively participated the Nationals Schools Press Conference held at Puerto Prinsesa, Palawan. I was really proud of myself because I've come this far. In the contest proper, we just did everything we could. And because of that, we garnered all the minor awards. But unfortunately, the major award slipped on our hands and we don't know why. But still, we're very proud of ourselves and came home bringing the bacon. :)
Awarding Ceremony of NSPC'12

#3 The Sweet Unforgettable Day

     The story "The Sweet Unforgettable Day" by Letty Jimenez-Magsanoc was all about the author visited her father in Korea and helped preparing the wedding for her father's long-time houseboy and the family cook. Her father wanted that the wedding would be in his house to make it special. Then on the wedding day, even though the author was last to sleep, she was the earliest to wake up. She tends to sense her mother, who passed away already, when she went to the living room and smelled her mother's perfume. She told her brothers, sisters, and father about it and then they were laughing and crying at the same time. But as soon as the first guest arrived, her mother's perfume vanished. The story implies that the dead can somewhat "communicate" with the living. It may not be physically appearing but just letting the living feel their presence.

     Many elders also believed that "aswangs"and many other Filipino "supernaturals" exist. Do they really exist or just a tool to scare naughty little children to behave?

     I have read many ghost stories, I have seen many pictures involving the dead but I haven't really seen them nor felt them. Some horror books and movies are subtitled, "Based on true story". I can't say whether it is true or not. Maybe it really happened to some people but as long as I haven't experienced it, I won't believe.

Friday, July 13, 2012

#2 Time to Step Up!

     Hi! I'm Paulino "Pau²" Bilang Ramayrat III. I was born in April 24, 1995 at Maloro, Tangub City. I was raised until 3rd grade in Bacoor, Cavite and continued my studies and graduated High School in Ozamiz City. I'm now residing at Brgy. San Miguel, Tibanga, Iligan City and taking my college at MSU - IIT with the course BSECE. My father is Paulino Ramayrat Jr. He is a seaman and now at Sacramento, California. My mother is Lumen Ramayrat, a government employee at The Christmas Symbols Capital of the Philippines, Tangub City. She's living in Ozamiz City with my 3 siblings namely, Dale, Paul Raven, and Eloiza.
My Mother
My Father
Me with my siblings (From Left-Right, Me, Eloiza, Raven, & Dale)

     I really love to eat tocino. I also love playing computers, playing basketball, loafing around and having fun. I'm usually a joker 'cause I love entertaining people. But most of all, I really love DANCING very much. I've been dancing since 1st year high school until I graduated. But I'm afraid to express my talent in dancing in college 'cause maybe I may not be able to concentrate in my studies.

   My greatest achievement as of now was when I actively participated the National Schools Press Conference (NSPC) 2012 last April in Puerto Prinsesa, Palawan in the event Radio Broadcasting, Secondary-Filipino Category. We won all the minor awards (Best in Script Writing, Best in Technical Application, Best Anchor, Best Infomercial, and Best Newspresentor) but unfortunately, not the major award. It was a great honor being the Best Technical Applicator in the whole nation. ^.^

  My only ambition in life is to be a successful person someday. To be able to support my family and to be a truly God-fearing individual.

Monday, July 9, 2012

#1 I Stop to Say Thank You Papa

First of all, My father is Paulino B. Ramayrat Jr. He is a seaman and now in Sacramento, California. it's not that I'm being sentimental, but these are the things that I want to express to my father.

It's at least 10 years that you've been away. There are moments that you've missed. The times of gratifying experience, times of frustrations, and even the family bonding. You missed all the fun. With only cellphone as a tool for communication, I'm not that satisfied to be "that" connected to you. Sometimes, a thought comes in my mind that maybe you have your own family there but I always remind myself, your far away because of our own good. I know that your working hard there for us.

Sorry for the times that we, your sons and daughter, are very naughty and always asking things from you. And also, Thank You! Because of you, I became what I am now. As the eldest and without you, I became the acting father in the family. I learned to be responsible enough for my siblings.

As a whole, I'm really very thankful having you as a Father.

Sunday, July 1, 2012