As I entered
MSU-IIT's Mini theatre on the night of July 24, I noticed four people
frozen onstage. I then took a comfortable seat right in front not even curious
on what they are about to do. I whistled impatiently, unaware of the mystical
story of three generations to be unraveled before me.
A play
directed by Steven Patrick C. Fernandez, Ming Ming is a story of an
eighteen-year-old girl watching the story of her life appearing before her as
she was brought to the living world by the tonongs
(Spirits). She then realizes why her mother, R, marries an older man to
support their family’s dwindling political fortunes and then remarries a
distant relative to hide the truth of her birth as she was an accident baby
with her mother’s Economics Professor.
The grandmother, I, on the other hand deluded all about Ming Ming's story to save maratabat (family honor, a shame greater than death) and her only daughter's life. When she was at the age of fourteen, she deserted her love to respect the family's impositions and married the elder brother of her secret love P to end a bloody rido. This decision angered P and turned him into a rebel.
In the end, Ming Ming's death was known to be suicidal.
All in all, the play was astounding. I have not thought of a drama play be that good. The flow of emotions from the actors completely blew me from my seat. Truly a great showcase of talent!